12 Best Calorie Burning Exercises and How Can You Begin

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Running, bicycling, and HIIT activities, for example, are some of the 12 Best Calorie burning exercises that burn more calories per hour than others.

lady at the gym thinking of best calorie burning exercises

If you want to burn the maximum calories, you should consider running. Running is the biggest calorie burning activity per hour. 

If running isn’t your thing, other best calorie burning exercises include HIIT workouts, jumping rope, and swimming. You can perform any combination of these exercises depending on your interests and fitness level.

Below are some of the factors that help determine the number of calories that you might burn:

  • Activity duration
  • Tempo
  • Intensity
  • Weight
  • Height

You can safely conclude that the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn while exercising.

lady feeling happy on a weighing scale

We suggest that you reach out to your personal trainer if you want to know the actual figure. They can calculate your personal calorie burn during an exercise.

Exercises that burn the most calories

The top 12 best calorie burning exercises are listed in the table below. These are the exercises that burn the most calories per hour. Keep in mind that the calories mentioned are an estimate. Your exact calorie burn is determined by factors such as intensity, duration, and weight.


Image taken from healthline

On a tight deadline

Even if you don’t have much time, you can undertake workouts that burn many calories. The idea is to focus on high-intensity workouts that raise your heart rate quickly.

group of people doing HIIT at the gym

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is a common method for accomplishing this. It consists of short bursts of exercise at more than 70% of your aerobic capacity.

Alternating between a 30-second pace and 1-minute rest intervals is one HIIT approach. You may burn many calories in 30 minutes or less by undertaking high-intensity activities.

When you’re short on time, try these activities to burn many calories.

High-knee running: Calories expended in 30 minutes: 240 to 355.5

Top on the list of best calorie burning exercises is High-knee. High-knee running is a strenuous aerobic workout. It increases your heart rate while strengthening your lower body. In addition, high-intensity exercise like high-knee running is good for burning calories quickly.

friends doing high knees outside the gym
  • To perform this workout, run in place while raising your knees as high as possible.
  • Pump your arms quickly up and down.

Butt kicks: Calories expended in 30 minutes: 240 to 355.5

Butt kick is second of the best calorie burning exercises. Like high-knee sprinting, this is also a cardio exercise. Butt kicks at a high intensity can burn calories in 30 minutes.

lady doing butt kick exercise
  • To perform this exercise, lift one heel toward your buttocks.
  • Rep with the other heel.
  • Rapidly alternate your heels while pumping your arms.

Swimming burns 198 to 294 calories in 30 minutes.

Swimming is also counted as one of the best calorie burning exercises. Swimming is a low-impact workout that increases muscle strength, blood flow, and lung and heart capacity. Thirty minutes of light swimming burns around the same calories as 30 minutes of jogging.

man completing laps in swimming in the pool

Swimming, on the other hand, is less taxing on the body. So if you have joint difficulties or limited mobility, this may be an appropriate workout.

Do laps or water aerobics to improve your caloric expenditure while swimming.

Calories burned in 30 minutes of stationary bicycling: 210 to 311.

Next on the list of best calorie burning exercises is stationary bike. If it is possible that you can use a stationary bike, attempt high-intensity cycling intervals. Stationary bicycling can burn many calories in 30 minutes as a robust cardio activity.

couple doing stationary cycling at the gym

Begin with a five-minute warmup, followed by one-minute speed and two-minute recovery intervals. Ensure that your speed intervals are between 7 to 9 on a scale of 0 to 10. Your recovery intervals should be 5 to 6 minutes.

Sprints: 240 to 355.5 calories expended in 30 minutes

Running is the finest in the list of best calorie burning exercises in general. However, you can cut your workout down to high-intensity sprints if you don’t have time to run. To fuel your workout, your body will rapidly burn calories.

Warm up by practicing jumping jacks or high-knee running before sprinting.

In the house

You can practice best calorie burning exercises at home even if in case you are unable to go to the gym or you don’t have access to gym equipment.

friends doing mountain climber at home

The HIIT bodyweight workouts outlined above can all be completed at home. Exercises like High-knee sprinting, butt kicks, and mountain climbers demand a small amount of room.

In addition to HIIT, the following workouts are great for calorie burning.

Calories burned per minute while walking: 3.1 to 4.6

Walking is also one of the most straightforward technique in the list of best calorie burning exercises. It’s also suitable for those who are recovering from an injury. In addition, it’s convenient because you can do it around your house or backyard.

couple doing morning walk to get fit

You’ll burn more calories per minute if you conduct housekeeping while walking around your house.

Calories burned per minute while running: 10.8 to 16

Running is the finest workout for burning calories and boosting flexibility and endurance. In addition, running is convenient because it does not require any equipment and can be done anywhere.

Aerobic exercise: 6.6 to 9.8 calories expended per minute

Running and high-intensity training aren’t the only calorie burning exercises. You may burn calories at home by undertaking a high-energy dance workout if you enjoy dancing.

group of friends doing zumba at the gym

Dancing is a form of cardiac workout disguised as a leisure pastime. It’s an enjoyable approach to increase your heart rate and burn calories.

Try Zumba or Bokwa, two popular dance workouts.

Jumping jacks burns an average of 8 to 11.8 calories per minute

Jumping jacks are a simple aerobic exercise that increases heart rate and is considered one of the best calorie burning exercises . It also provides an excellent full-body workout. In addition, jumping jacks don’t require much space, so they’re simple to do at home.

group of people doing jumping jacks in the park
  • To begin this workout, place your feet together.
  • Then, position your arms at your sides.
  • Step forward with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise your arms above your head.
  • Repeat as needed.

Jumping jacks can be part of your warm-up, HIIT workout, or everyday routine, depending on their intensity.

Rope jumping 7.6 to 9.8 calories expended per minute

friends doing skipping at the gym

Jumping rope raises your heart rate and burns calories while strengthening your lower legs. Furthermore, jump ropes are small and easy to keep. As a result, they’re ideal for folks with limited living space.

Other factors to consider for chosing best calorie burning exercises

There are a few things to consider if you want to do workouts that burn many calories:

Weight training compared to cardio

Cardio is only one method of effectively burning calories. Weight training, often known as strength training, is essential. Compared to weight exercise, Cardio often burns more calories in a single session. Weight exercise, on the other hand, improves muscle mass which help burn more calories than fat.

couple doing both strength training and cardio

Note that more the muscle, the more will the number of calories burnt even while you’re not moving. This implies that even when you’re asleep or sitting at your work, your body will burn more calories over time.

A fitness plan that combines best calorie burning exercises including both cardio and weight training will give you a significant result.

Prepare yourself

Before exercising, always warm up. This raises your body temperature and blood flow, preparing you for exercise. It also lowers your chances of getting hurt.

gym bag with shoes, towel, dumbbell and bottle

In the following cases, consider practicing modified exercises:

  • An injury
  • Reduced mobility
  • Certain medical disorders (such as arthritis)

Consult an expert like a physician, personal trainer, or physical therapist. These experts can show you how to practice calorie burning workouts safely. They can suggest other changes and movements to help you achieve your goals.

Where do I begin?

Always speak to your family physician before beginning any type of routine. Your physician can suggest you on the best calorie burning exercises for your health and fitness. They will also go over any safety measures you should take.

lady consulting with doctor before starting gym

If you have type 1 diabetes, for example, you must check your blood glucose levels during and after exercise.

When you’re ready to begin an exercise routine, start with:

  • Simple, fundamental movements
  • Low reps, light weights

This will reduce your chances of experiencing pain or damage. If you want to lose weight, consider hiring a professional personal trainer. A personal trainer may design an exercise program that is tailored to your unique goals and overall health.


Running is one of the best calorie burning exercises. Stationary bicycling, walking, and swimming are other terrific choices.

HIIT exercises are also excellent for calorie burning.

You can also seek personalized advice from a personal trainer, your doctor or physical therapist. These experts can assist you in exercising safely and effectively.

Rachna Jas

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